Spider has just claimed victory, on my old wooden chest…

I open the rusty latch on the barn door.

The moment I step inside, I feel sick.

I can see the old wooden chest in the corner.

I raise my hands over my head,

making sure I don’t run into a spider’s web

As the light shines through, it produces a new clue.

A web hangs in the corner of the barn.

“Are u scared?  The spider seems to ask.”

Why am I scared when it’s just a thread?

A design of beauty, with a deadly scare.

The closer I get, my heart beats faster,

Just another second, won’t matter.

Felling uneasy, with each step I take,

I get chills down my spine and sweat on my face.

The large web glistens up high over my chest,

I just can’t, I can’t take another step.

The spider has just claimed victory, on my old wooden chest.

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